nesting arrangement in family law context

Nesting Arrangement in Family Law

Defining a Nesting Arrangement in a Family Law Context Divorce is an unfortunate event for any family, particularly those with children. It leaves psychological and emotional scars that haunt children for a lifetime. It is therefore very important to come up with methods to mitigate both the parents and children’s experience as they transition to…

Imputed Income

Imputed Income to Calculate Child Support in Florida

What is Imputed Income? It is sometimes necessary for the court to impute an income to either party in order to properly calculate that parties’ child support obligation. Imputed Income to Calculate Child Support in Florida Section 61.30(2), Florida Statutes provides in part that “monthly income shall be imputed to an unemployed or underemployed parent…

ex-spouse military benefits after divorce

Qualifying for Benefits as a Divorced Former Military Spouse

Rights and Benefits Due a Former Military Spouse The Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act is a federal law that provides certain benefits to former spouses of military members. These benefits include your right to retirement pay, medical care as well as the use of the exchanges and commissaries. If you are entitled to the…